Camella San Pablo - AMENITIES

When you live in a beautiful community with your love ones all around you, it is a bonus to have excellent facilities and amenities at the same time. With CAMELLA San Pablo, you are in for a great surprise, as you will love them all. Whether for fun, health, leisure or bonding times with family – the facilities and amenities all come in handy for all. Indulge and celebrate the good times!  

First on the list is the Clubhouse with free WIFI. We all know that at this digital age today, everybody wants to be online and wants to post “at the moment” photos. Holding your special events and milestones in the Clubhouse will always be moments to remember as you celebrate these events with family, relatives and friends. Milestones like birthdays, baptismal, bridal showers, graduations or even promotions can be held here.  Or schedule regular meet-ups with friends and do some videoke sessions. It will be something surely to look forward to. Everyone will be as excited as you. You will never have to worry about traffic since your home will just be literally within the doorsteps. 

There is also a multi-purpose hall where you can also do some events and functions like an assembly or meeting. Or maybe a party place as another option from the Clubhouse. 

For the families with little children, you will be just delighted to know that there is a kids playground where your kids can play. Invite your neighbors’ friends or your kids’ classmates on weekends so they can play to their hearts’ content. Parents can watch over their children and do some activities, too. 

There are also parks and garden around the neighborhood where  the family can rest, recharge and unwind. We all know how the fathers and mothers and maybe the adult children who are working need a time-off after the workweek. Students need to have a time for play, too. As they say, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” True indeed!  With the well-landscaped and colorful gardens plus the parks all around, expect moments of pure bliss and relaxation as you bond with your dear ones. Exhale all the stresses of life and inhale the fresh, clean air and breathtaking and refreshing sceneries around. It is a must to go and visit these places  for your own souls and minds, 

When the summer comes, the swimming pool is around the corner for everyone’s use. We all know how hot it is during summer especially as we are a tropical country. Fret not. You can swim, enjoy the outdoors and bask in the sun while here.  
For the sporty and active ones – kids or adults alike, they can form teams and play basketball since a basketball court is also available here. Time to stretch, hop, jump, run, hop and shoot as you flex your muscles. Basketball is the most popular sport in the country as we know and almost everyone is hooked to it, either as a player or as a spectator. Invite your family, friends and relatives to watch your games and cheer you on. As you play and go for those baskets, remember that you also get to practice such values as sportsmanship, team camaraderie, teamwork, focus, passion and determination. Win or lose the game, you still win on the values  imbibed and friendships gained.

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